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Climate-neutral wallbox

100% climate-neutral production & made in Germany

Future-proof and sustainable at all levels

Climate-neutral charging has never been easier. With AMTRON® 4You, MENNEKES has a 100% climate-neutral wallbox, manufactured in Germany in its portfolio. For every gram of CO2 released during the production of the wallboxes, MENNEKES invests in forest conservation projects in Brazil and Peru. This is how we combine sustainability and future-proof charging technology with AMTRON® 4You - another investment by MENNEKES in the future.

Climate-neutral production "made in Germany"

All AMTRON® 4You wallboxes are manufactured in a 100 per cent climate-neutral way. MENNEKES uses a wide range of voluntary sustainability measures to ensure that CO2 emissions from the production of the devices are minimised.

The carbon footprint of the AMTRON® 4You wallboxes was calculated in detail and reliably - down to the last screw and the last gram of plastic - in collaboration with Fokus Zukunft. It is important to MENNEKES to make the balances publicly available - nothing could be further from our minds than greenwashing. View the exact CO2 calculation for each member of the AMTRON® 4You family here. The calculation includes the wallbox plus the associated charging cable:

Forest protection with AMTRON® 4You

Despite the company's own extensive sustainability activities, greenhouse gases are released during the production of AMTRON® 4You. The majority of this is caused by purchased raw materials and supplier components, whose CO2 emissions we can only influence to a limited extent. To offset these emissions, we invest in two certified forest conservation projects in South America.

REDD project "Para nut concession" in Peru

The project in Madre de Dios in Peru takes a holistic approach to protecting the Peruvian rainforest. The nature reserve in the Amazon is home to numerous endangered animal and plant species. The project develops initiatives that protect the forest from illegal deforestation and secure higher long-term incomes for small farmers through sustainableharvests. This enables the farmers to protect and conserve their forest. The current balance of the project:

  • Sustainable protection of approx. 300,000 hectares of rainforest
  • CO2 emissions of 2,086,089 tonnes are saved annually
"Envira Amazonia Project" in Brazil

The project in Acre, Brazil, has set itself the goal of protecting the forest and counteracting the clearing of the tropical rainforest. The project impresses with the following key figures:

  • Forest protection on an area of 39,300 hectares
  • Annual saving of CO2 emissions amounting to 1,259,646 tonnes

Fokus Zukunft is a certified and trusted partner for our sustainability measures.